John Gray Donations

Last week we spoke a bit about the amazing donation of John Gray’s estate. This week, we’d like to give you the list to browse. While it is always better to hold the books in your hands, you can at least get a sneak peek of the titles here on our Library Thing donations catalog. If you aren’t familiar with Library Thing, prepare to be wowed!

The collection is a great addition to our ceramics section, featuring Native American works with a focus of earth, heritage, and tradition.


Just a few of our amazing title additions:

Indian Stories and Storytellers
Hopi Kachinas
From This Earth



Donations Donations Donations!!!

OCAC library has long been the proud recipient of book donations. Artists and fond members of the art community have graciously bestowed the library with many of the treasures it has today. We have received quite the collection covering all of the realms of craft the college offers. This year alone we have been gifted numerous books in fantastic condition, including 42 generously donated volumes from John Gray’s estate.

John Gray (1919-2012) was known for developing some of the state’s most prominent resorts, including Sunriver, and Salishan, as well as redeveloping the John’s Landing district in Southwest Portland. He was also a major force in founding the Skamania Lodge in the Columbia River Gorge area. Later in life, he became known regionally for his philanthropic efforts. Gray was born in Ontario and raised in Monroe.

Gray had a passion for Native American artwork, and the works that were bequeathed to the library focus heavily on the pottery of Southwestern American tribes, including Pueblo figurative pottery, Northwestern tribes’ totem poles, and much more.

Please come to the library to use these wonderful resources and appreciate the generosity of  an important member of our Oregon community.

Thesis Orals Going on Now!

Each year the senior class works hard on their thesis work and paper. Going on now in the Hoffman Gallery are the thesis orals , the most rigorous test our students go through. Each week a new group of the student class will have their work up for display in the gallery. Come by each week so that you do not miss out on all the amazing exhibitions. Week two’s exhibition showing now!



Good Reads

As a library, I think it is important to advertise avenues for book lovers. If you like books and you like libraries then you have probably already heard of good reads. In case you haven’t, this is our Christmas gift to you. Enjoy!

Good Reads is an online social platform for people to share and build book lists. It is one of the worlds largest sites for book recommendations and book lists. The site allows you to build book wish lists and reading lists, as well as keep tabs on books you’re in the process of reading. You can look at specific genres you are interested in reading, collaborate in book clubs. You can even choose to judge a book by its cover if you wish and search one of the many image based lists (including “Best cover of all time”, “Breathtaking book covers” or “Horrible covers”). Good Reads even has a focus for academic life or the art world. Here is a book list for some of OCAC’s craft departments. Check them out. If you find a book you really like, please come into the library and we will try to track it down for you.

Book Arts: Not represented, create one!








Wood: Not represented, make your own list!

Heartbleed Bug

As more and more of our world becomes digital, the world of hacking becomes a much larger threat. Many people are worried about the newest bug on the internet, Heartbleed.

While there is a lot of technical explanation out there, the important information to know is that Heartbleed is not affecting your home computer. The bug affects primarily software that provides online services. So be aware, things such as facebook, online banking, turbo tax etc. may have been compromised. It is suggested that all users change their online passwords AFTER a site has been cleared for Heartbleed. You can check which sites have been cleared here.

It is recommended that you change all passwords, even for sites like facebook, where you might have even the slightest personal information stored.

For a comprehensive look at what Heartbleed is you may read up in the news or check out C|NET’s article.


*Update*If you use the following common sites, it is now safe to change your passwords:


Knitting For The Penguins!!

Here are OCAC we like any excuse to get together and craft. What better way than to have a knitting circle to help aid penguins?! Today Fibers students (and novice knitters) will join in the library for a knittin’ good time to make sweaters for penguins affected by oil spills.

The Penguin Foundation, an organization that helps rehabilitate penguins, utilizes sweaters to help keep oil-spill penguins in good health. Oil affects the penguin’s water proofing, making them cold. The sweaters keep them warm until members of the foundation can clean each animal. The sweaters also keep the little penguins from ingesting oil while preening.

Image found via USA Today

For more information on penguins please visit the Penguin Foundation website. If you would like to make a sweater to donate, please do your research so that you find a location that is currently in need and so that you can knit the appropriate size sweater for that species of penguin. Some charities have been swarmed with sweaters and have too many, so do some reading up. However even in times of abundance, most penguin sweater charities still use the excess sweaters by dressing toys to sell. Money spent on the toy penguins goes toward penguin aid.

Either way, OCAC is happy to use our crafting skills to help raise money for, or to specifically aid penguin rehabilitation.