magazines magazines magazines

Did you know about OCAC’s expansive collection of PRINT periodicals?

Just in:


Great source for world art exhibits, critiques and museum happenings.


Have you been wondering, where did Art Papers go? Well, we just received all 4 issues from 2017! They were lost but now are found.


Domus is Italian and English text, all in one, pretty package! 


A great publication for design and inspiration


Art in America is image rich and delivers perspectives on current issues in the art world. 


Why is Elvis Presley on the cover? Come into the library  to discover why!

Our magazine collection is IN LIBRARY USE ONLY. We have a lovely seating area and free coffee. So, get comfy and read on…

by Jessica Talisman


Check out what’s NEW in the library

There were around 300 artists who moved to Soho: dancers, poets. musicians, visual artists…We felt that all institutions were aligned with the establishment, and so they needed to be turned upside down and reevaluated. And so the “out-of-the gallery movement” was born. Art  wound be non-exclusive, taken to the streets and the contryside, to where the people were. Gordon loved the idea…”

Experience Becomes Object

Shelf location: N 6537 .M3947 G67

Happy reading! New Library Materials

Jessica Talisman
Interim Director of Library Services