SO CLOSE!!!!! Thesis Kickstarter Update

The thesis students are just a few thousand dollars away from their kickstarter goal of $8500 and with only a few days left. If they do not meet their goal, they will not receive the funds for their show JUNCTURE. Please please help them out by making a donation. If you cannot make a donation, please tell your friends, family, and loved ones about the show and ask them to contribute. They are so very close. Every dollar is appreciated.

OCAC Thesis Kickstarter

Hello loyal followers of the library,

We wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about an important event on campus, the Senior Thesis Show: Juncture. Every year our graduating seniors are put to the test as they produce a thesis paper and a supporting body of thesis work for public display. OCAC’s yearly thesis show is an integral part of expressing the college’s mission in supporting fine craft.

That being said, the show Juncture will take place in a public venue. To raise the funds to reserve their venue, the senior thesis class has put together a kickstarter campaign. Funds provided by you, me and other art lovers will allow them to showcase their amazing art work, which has been more than a year in the making. Please take a minute to help them meet their goal. The kickstarter campaign officially ends on March 23rd at 10:25 am. If they do not meet their goal, they will not receive any of the money. As you can see, it is vitally important for us to help them out. If you have only a dollar to donate, please consider it.

As the library supporting student thesis research year round, we want to see these students succeed. We know that you do too.

Make A Donation